Monday, 18 May 2009

Next Step

Taking the shots below made me move forwards on this, what it seems, long term project.

My questions is: Why do ideas come to us in mundane circumstances?

My answer requires a long term 'mapping' of my projects, so I can make link and catalogue them under different categories.

In short this will take the form of an 'idea' archive. It wont be computer based, because I see the process as more manual and human and less techno
logical. Intricate and graspable.

Each entry in the archive would be the idea for a given project. It will be documented beginning to end. It will not be a simple card with photos and type.

Imagine those archival furniture in libraries, with all the little drawers marked A-C etc. The idea here is that each drawer will be one project, i will contain the ticket from gigs i went, the first doodles of the idea, even possibly how much hair I lost while in it.
A very personal approach to each idea/project.

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