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Basically what I have come to at this point is a box/archive of my ideas.
Its not what I was aiming to, as the box I have in mind will be bigger and contain much more data, collected information or even souvenirs.
This is gonna be, without a doubt, a long term process. Since is vital for me to map all my actions, state of mind, reactions of my body and intake of sugar.
Must be noted that I wont include all the information collected if i don't find it relevant related to the final outcome (meaning the product of the idea), not the box but the project.
I do not want to make it too concrete and understandable to the viewer. My brain does not work in a linear organized way. My thoughts are not organized inside my head.
So how from 'where do idea come in mundane situation?' I came to this?
Well, because I think ideas are part of a process, the brain keeps storing information and then makes a 'whole' out of it.
I guess ideas are about a process that could take minutes to weeks.
Basically the box represent all the things that have been going on in my life (relevant) and merges then in a unit which product is the final project, meaning:
The box represents all this stimuli, actions and reaction while 'doing' the project, then there is THE project the final outcome. Be it a book, a poster a website....
The box is the step before the final piece.
The pseudo-sample box.

I have so much stuff on my plate lately, and honestly concentrating on one thing is not an option. So this whole project is taking quite a long time to develop properly.
From drawers to boxes.
So first about a complete unit with different compartments representing each idea, like a dresser with loads of drawers.
Now I am thinking about a box per idea. There is a unit divided in parts, a box with compartments. Each idea is unique and is triggered for different reasons, and most of all personal, the way my brain functions.
I dont want to put the obvious in the box, I want to give room to interpretation, making it unique. Though I do have to define certain things I will be documenting about myself, a journal written by my actions and reactions.
Roughly this are the thing i would be mapping:
- In which mundane situation the idea popped, and what the situation involved (ex. taking a shower with cherry scented soap)
- Hair loss
- Hours spent in front of the TV: xbox, movies, series
- Map of location, coordenates
- Caffeine intake
- Sugar intake
- Places visited
- State of mind, any personal issues? problems? missing something/someone? etc.
- Sleeping pattern
Must be noted that other things will be mapped if they are revelant to the project and some other things of the list above might be discarded.
Most of my project have a very personal side to it and the aim of each box is to express that interwined with the process of my brain.
I will attempt to do one box for friday
It is me
It is personal
It is odd
Its is in fact how ideas evolve in body and mind.

Taking the shots below made me move forwards on this, what it seems, long term project.
My questions is: Why do ideas come to us in mundane circumstances?
My answer requires a long term 'mapping' of my projects, so I can make link and catalogue them under different categories.
In short this will take the form of an 'idea' archive. It wont be computer based, because I see the process as more manual and human and less technological. Intricate and graspable.
Each entry in the archive would be the idea for a given project. It will be documented beginning to end. It will not be a simple card with photos and type.
Imagine those archival furniture in libraries, with all the little drawers marked A-C etc. The idea here is that each drawer will be one project, i will contain the ticket from gigs i went, the first doodles of the idea, even possibly how much hair I lost while in it. A very personal approach to each idea/project.
So I'm back, after spending a few days monitoring my brain.
Imagine a line of Christmas lights, a mesh even.
Every bulb of the mesh of Christmas light is a thought, idea, memory, information, experience. So when I start with my mundane activity, I encounter that my brain is pitch black. Like say, your bedroom in the middle of the night with the blinds shut. One knows it is their bedroom and there are things in it...your computer, bed, lamp, book, clothes and chest of drawers. But you cannot see it because there is no light on.
So i know my brain is there and that it contains information, I just cannot 'grasp' it.
I start doing the dishes and things start lighting up, probably because of the scent of the washing liquid. Or just because, thoughts that are floating in my brain at the moment become visible. Most of the time they dont have an evident connection with one another. But they fit in place because of the amount of information i got stored in my brain. Be it personal experiences and thing i have read or done.
Now come to think to it, its like the html code of a web page. Part of it make sense, there are words we recognize 'copy' 'font' 'url' etc. Our brain plays the role of the program that process the code into a more consice, evident and easy way to recognize it, and make sense out of it. So we can be able to 'see' the idea clearly.
After all this time I spent monitoring my brain, which has proved to be quite a challenge. I have an idea how I can go on and build up a final piece related to this process.
So where do ideas come from when I brush my teeth?
This mundane situations just help us to clear our brain. Like to start writing on a clean whiteboard or start a new hunt in our brain with a torch.
Next step is developing a final piece.
We all have a set of activities we do in a daily basis, we all have routines. So there will be something that we do where most of your ideas come from. In this case the pattern is that I (for example) wash the dishes and get an idea, something 'clicks' in my brain.
1. You do mundane stuff
2. It frees your mind and you get creative
You find something you can get lost in, something you don't have to concentrate on.
I am just going to write done some random tasks I do and what is happening in my brain while I do them, just going to look at what my brain is doing while I complete those tasks. Not the ideas come up with. In sort of what state my brain is, like say the messenger stats: busy, away, be right back, in a call, available, out to lunch and appear offline.
I hit the electric fence, and boy I'm not liking it.